Christianity and LGBTQ Theology: Book List

Christianity and LGBTQ Theology: Book List

What follows is a short list of essential readings in LGBTQ Christian theology. Queer theology now joins the the two existing foci of this blog, (racial justice and climate change), as another subject area, which is both difficult for Christians to talk about and in desperate need of theological reflection. Once again, I thank Mike Gibson of Rowman and Littlefield for helping me prepare this list.

The Queer God, (Routledge, 2003) A much-quoted key text and author in LGBTQ theology; might be more academic and expensive for the reading groups, but a good foundational text to have on hand. Arising out of Latin American and liberation theology context, this book challenges the oppressive powers of heterosexual orthodoxy, whiteness and global capitalism.

Whitney Bauman, Meaningful Flesh (Punctum, 2018) — a current author coming out of an evangelical tradition,. He has assembled here a group of essays, which offer a unique contribution to the intersection of religion, nature, and queer theory. All of them challenge strict boundaries proposed in religious rhetoric and many discourses surrounding “nature.”

Patrick Cheng, Radical Love (Seabury, 2011) a good orienting introduction to Queer Theology. The author focuses on the primacy of love, which can be so radical that it dissolves all boundaries.

Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Activist Theology (Fortress, 2019) — Another good introductory text. The author is a trans activist and theologically astute. She writes for a general readership and would be at a level for a book group or class.

Gerald Loughlin, Queer Theology (Blackwell, 2007) — This is a collection of powerful essays that have become central text in the canon for LGBTQ theology.

Dale Martin, Sex and the Single Savior (WJK, 2006) — This biblically-oriented text that is both sophisticated and accessible. It is also well grounded in church history, while doing innovative work around LGBTQ issues. Anything by this author worth reading (there are also full lectures on YouTube by Martin that could be good material to use.)

Eugene Rogers, Sexuality and the Christian Body (Blackwell, 1999) — Another cornerstone text in LGBTQ theology. Rogers does a lot of fascinating stuff with orthodoxy and tradition; it can be dense reading, but with some guidance, this would be a really interesting book for reading groups.

Linn Marie Tonstad, Queer Theology (Cascade, 2018) — This volume works really well at an intro level and makes accessible a lot of critical theory and basic theological grounding; it’s brief but also constructive. Makes linkages between sexuality, money and death.

Melissa Wilcox, Queer Religiosities (R&L, 2020) — A newer, affordable release which looks at general issues pertaining to religion, theology, and spirituality. (

Cody Sanders, Christianity, LGBTQ Suicide, and the Souls of Queer Folk (Lexington, 2020) Cody J. Sanders argues that theological narratives can operate violently upon the souls of LGBTQ people in ways that make life precarious and, at time, seem unlivable. An excellent book for people doing counseling and pastoral care with LGBTQ clients. (