Creation in Exodus
The Crises of our Generation
We live in a time overwhelmed with problems that are so big that we can scarcely understand them much less deal with them. Take, as examples, climate change, the clash of civilizations, distrust of leaders, the sudden intrusion of artificial intelligence and the worse pandemic in several generations.
These are, as we used to say, problems of “biblical proportions.”
Unfortunately, its difficult for churches and their members to understand how the Bible speaks to our situation and more importantly its difficult for Christians to see exactly how their faith summons them forward to respond to the problems of today.
The fact that we’ve never had a problem like climate change to cite one of the mega problems that threaten life on this planet explains why people of faith are not sure what to do with it. With time, however, and a fresh reading of our biblical faith, insights will emerge and Christian responses will come into view.
Most Christians don’t know that in the late 1960s and early 1970s when the environmental movement burst into everyone’s consciousness leading Old Testament scholars in America and Europe found themselves forced to admit that they had neglected the Creation texts in Genesis’ first three chapters. In turn they had little to say about the dawning awareness in those years that humanity was capable of destroying life on planet Earth including human life.
Starting in the 1970s academic theologians began to produce a little library of books and thoughtful conversation about what creation had to say about the nature and destiny of the whole world and we who inhabit it.
The environmental movement has grown into the climate crisis. Other problems like the migration of African and Middle Eastern peoples into Europe and South and Central American peoples into the US constitute a clash of civilizations and have pushed into our consciousness.
Again, we ask, where is God and what does the Bible say?
Genesis and Exodus
As we begin to grapple with how our faith might cast light on the challenges of the moment, several biblical books come to mind. The Old Testament prophets offered their pronouncements in an atmosphere of great disruption and crisis. The Book of Revelation dares to face monumental spiritual and political problems. Jesus’ ministry plays out in the context of the Roman Empire and is clear-eyed about an ominous future.
The most promising books for our generation just might be the first two in the Old Testament, Genesis and Exodus. Both deal with big themes: the nature of the world and God’s relationship to it, the potential and calling of the human being, the appalling potential of sin, and the immediacy of God’s care and guidance of the world.
The recent scholarship that delved into the creation texts also recognized that Exodus depends on creational insights. It’s no accident that the dividing of the Red Sea, to give one example, bears a thrilling resemblance to the Creator’s initial division of the watery chaos in Genesis’ first verses.
These connections between Genesis and Exodus are numerous. They raise the prospect that the saving of the world is also the creation of the world.
What an amazing thought for our time of crisis when we desperately need both saving and new creation!
First Presbyterian Church has begun its work in recovering biblical Creation. We’ve had a handful of classes on this topic and a profoundly insightful musical exploration of the spirituality of nature. Now we look at Exodus, the Bible’s primary text of deliverance.
Eric and Doug want to explore four texts from Exodus that exemplify the merger of creation and redemption. Anyone interested in this topic is invited to participate and use the various handouts and recordings as they please. As always, their class will center on the participant discussion.
Because the Exodus narrative stretches from the beautiful tale of the Baby Moses being rescued from among the bulrushes on River Nile to the lurid episode of the Golden Calf, participants may want to read Exodus on their own. We’ve also posted on this site a variety of links nd resources that may be used however participants wish.
Eric and Doug do not expect that participants will have any familiarity with Exodus or any part of the Bible. Further, all participant’s personal beliefs are welcome and will not be an impediment to feeling comfortable in the class.