Creation 2: The Biblical Word Study
This is the resources page for the 4th class in the course: “Every Living Creature: God’s Design for Animals.” This class is an extension of the first class on creation. The discussion is mostly a survey of all the instances that animals are mentioned in the first eleven chapters of the Book of Genesis. While there are a variety of inferences about animals that can be drawn from individual references, a dominent one is that the Creator has an enduring interest in establishing and sustaining a covenant with all living things–humans and animals. Christianity, in the Western world at least, gives the impression that animals serve as the backdrop to the more important drama of what God is doing with humans.
Below is the video of the class itself, some suggested references which class members shared, and an image of Catherine Keller’s recent book, titled, Facing Apocalypse.
The Class Video
From Monica
Monica has mentioned several resources in her comments, notably Rupert Sheldrake whose work aims to merge science and spirituality. Sheldrake’s YouTube page can be found here. I have benefitted from these interviews with David Bendly Hart. They can be found here and here.
I mentioned this book in class and two of our participants wanted to explore what it might be saying. If class members find it valuable, I would be open both to reading it and using it as the basis of a future class.