Infographic: “What Have We Done About Global Warming?”
This infographic traces how government officials and the international community have dealt with climate change since 1960.
This infographic traces how government officials and the international community have dealt with climate change since 1960.
Imagine being one of the disciples who followed Jesus to Jerusalem. You were close at hand during the catastrophe of his trial and execution. Imagine your disillusionment at seeing the one you loved shamefully nailed to a cross. For you, he exemplified everything that was good, true, and beautiful. But for religion experts, government officials, …
I was pleased to be among hundreds of Sarasotians who gathered to support the Sarasota Students 4 Climate rally. This rally scheduled to coincide with similar and much larger gatherings worldwide, is one of hundreds of such rallies that are both growing and becoming more shrill in their demands. The Sarasota event was organized and …
A printable version of the above infographic may be found here. If humanity doesn’t curb its Carbon Dioxide and Methane emissions the Earth’s climate will warm by as many as 5 degrees Celsus. While five degrees may not sound overly dramatic, an upward shift by that amount would set off a cascade of changes that …
No one dislikes alarmism more than I do. Through my adult life “epidemics” have tumbled over each other like waves at the beach. There were no weapons of mass destruction, the terror warning colors are no longer a daily thing to worry about. The crack babies of the 1980’s are doing okay. We’ve staved off …
This post is the origin story of my personal climate journey.
A journal that records the thoughts of a theologian reading David Wallace-Wells’ The Uninhabitable Earth